White papers are detailed and authoritative documents that are typically used to provide proof that a product or service works. These documents are often used in industries such as technology, finance, and healthcare, among others, to communicate complex ideas and concepts to potential customers, investors, or partners.

A white paper typically provides a thorough analysis of a problem or issue, and then proposes a solution that is backed up by research, data, and evidence. The purpose of a white paper is to educate readers on a specific topic, and to convince them that a particular product or service is the best solution to their problem.

White papers are typically longer and more detailed than other marketing materials, such as brochures or case studies. They may be several pages long and include sections on the background of the problem, the proposed solution, the benefits of the solution, and evidence to support the claims made.

In addition to providing proof that a product or service works, white papers can also help establish a company or organization as a thought leader in their industry. By providing detailed analysis and research, a white paper can help build trust with potential customers or investors and establish a reputation for expertise and authority.

Overall, white papers can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to provide proof that their product or service works. By communicating complex ideas in a clear and compelling way, white papers can help convince potential customers or investors that a product or service is worth their time and investment.